I've always thought that was a powerful statement. That in order for any man to find a woman that he should have to seek out God before he can find her. It's one of those things that I can't express loud enough to my single friends and daughters. But as incredible as that statement is, it shouldn't stop there.
It's easy to see that statement and think about what it looks like before we get married. That in order to find the man we're supposed to marry that our walk with Jesus should be solid. And it should be. But we married women need that reminder too because that statement should follow us throughout the entirety of our lives. Even once we are married. Because once we're married we shouldn't give up on our pursuit of God. He should still be our number one priority. We should be so in love with God that it draws our husbands to Him. We should be so in love with Jesus and spending time with Him that our husbands can't find us unless they're sitting with Him too.
It's easy in marriage to become cynical. It's even easier to become bitter and resentful after years of unmet expectations and disappointments. It's easy to cling to hurt and focus on what we don't have. We women are amazing at doing that! But when we focus on our Creator those things sort of wash away as we take our eyes off our circumstances and look at the One who gave us our spouse to begin with. We can't go wrong when we're focused on the right things. Our heart won't grow cold when our heart is full of love for our Creator.
If you're struggling in your marriage today, if the love you once shared has run cold and you're just ready to give up...don't look in any other direction but up. Go to the source, the One who brought you together to begin with. Focus on God's love for you and allow Him to place His hand upon your heart and as His love fills you up it will pour out of you and into your spouse. Because the more we pursue God, the more our love and affection for Him trumps all others and the more things in our life will start to make sense leaving us more fulfilled and content.
Those are big words and big steps to take if you haven't already been living that way. Trust me. I know. It has taken a lot of painstakingly new habits and daily reminders to focus on the things above as a way to remind me to turn my eyes in the direction of the cross. But on the days that I remember to do those things life is different. My day is different. My attitude is different. My heart is different. My reactions are different. The way I love is different.
When we pursue Jesus with all of our heart and allow the Spirit to move within us...everything changes. So be that woman. Be that woman that chases after God so hard that the only way her husband will ever find her is through his own pursuit of God.
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